Diwali festivities are over, but pictures of B-town celebrities decked up in their ethnic best are still doing the rounds on the internet. Dropping a few photos from actor-director Krishan Kumar's Diwali bash, Bhumi Pednekar taught us how to slay the traditional look. Draped in a beautiful golden saree, the diva radiated sunshine. Intricate mirror work, embellished with sequins, and crystals contributed to the metallic finish of her ensemble. Floral embroidery ran down the borders giving the six-yard wonder a stunning glimmer. A V-neck blouse of the same shade, adorned with beads alleviated the allure of her OOTD. A Red-crystal and stone-studded kundan necklace, with dangly earrings and stacked bangles, complimented Bhumi's golden princess avatar. For makeup, she dusted her skin with some blush and enough highlighter, applied mascara and winged eyeliner, rounding off with shimmery golden eyeshadow. Her hair was tied in a neatly-secured bun and a gajra.
Also Read: Bhumi Pednekar Is A Vision In A White Saree-torial Ensemble With Pearl Detailing
At Manish Malhotra's starry Diwali party, Bhumi Pednekar decided to be the fashion designer's muse. She exuded princess energy in a brocade lehenga — rustic mustard in colour. The full-sleeved heavily embroidered velvet blouse came with a V-shaped neckline while the ornately decorated skirt boasted amazing chevron patterns in golden-floral designs. Bhumi paired the lehenga-choli set with an equally gorgeous dupatta. A two-layered, stone-studded kundan necklace with statement earrings elevated her allure. Her glammed-up makeover consisted of a stroke of winged eyeliner, mascara-coated lashes, nude-toned lip colour, and a blush-highlighter combo around the cheeks. A slicked-back ponytail added a chic factor.
When Bhumi Pednekar takes the ethnic route we remain all captivated. Taking inspo from another page of her ethnic diaries, we found her painting a serene picture in an Anuj Bhandari ivory lehenga. The ensemble featured exquisite zari embroidery with a hint of shimmer. Weaving soft beauty with regal charm, Bhumi was a vision in white. A polki necklace encrusted with diamonds and emeralds alongside chunky rings sealed the deal of elegance for her. A dramatic eye makeover and nude-tinted lips were a work of art. Bhumi rounded off her look with a sleek hair bun.
Also Read: In An Animal Motif Rahul Mishra Cutout Gown, Bhumi Pednekar Unleashes The Tigress Within
Bhumi Pednekar's ethnic wardrobe is full of variety and versatility.
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