The show Made In Heaven is returning for a second season from August 10. Set against the backdrop of the trials and triumphs of Indian weddings, Prime Video India shared a carousel of images introducing us to the brides of this season. The ensemble cast includes Mrunal Thakur, Radhika Apte, Sarah Jane Dias, Elnaaz Norouzi, Shibani Dandekar, Zayn Khan, Naina Sareen, Sheena Khalid, and Kali. While the Bollywood divas looked stunning in their traditional and western fits, we couldn't help crushing over Mrunal Thakur. The Bollywood actress wore dewy skin with blushed cheeks and a dab on the highlighter. Her kohl-rimmed eyes, teamed with mascara-laden eyelashes and well-done brows were bewitching. She finished off her makeup with bold maroon lips and a tiny silver bindi. The actress secured the tresses in a sleek bun. While her mehendi adorned hands looked beautiful, the big diamond ring stole all the spotlight.
Her bridal wear consisted of a half-sleeve blouse with tassel detailing, a scoop neckline, and white, silver thread work. It was paired with a white lehenga skirt, showcasing a wide patti red border to complement the blouse. Two red dupattas – one draped on her shoulder while the other gracefully rested on her head – with sequin and sitara detailing accompanied her look. It was elevated by heavy accessories and textbook-perfect glam. She adorned the scoop neckline with a choker necklace and a waterfall piece with green tassel detailing. Mrunal picked gold kangans and red bangles, jhumkas, maang tikka, and a glorious nath for accessories. Not to forget that heart-shaped kamar bandh.
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We also got a glimpse of Radhika Apte, who will be playing a Maharashtrian bride. She looked gorgeous in an off-white saree with subtle golden prints. Her sleek bun was generously adorned with dense layers of gajra. Apart from the nath and jhumkas, she also wore the traditional string of pearls or flowers around her head. A marathi sehra is known as “Pheta” and is a must-worn wedding accessory for both the bride and groom. Radhika opted for a glittery glowy glam with bold black eyeliner and a maroon shade on the lips.
Meanwhile, Shibani Dandekar looked killer in her sassy avatar. The halter-neck satin ensemble, in the shade of beige, was teamed with detachable cape-like sleeves flowing from round her neck. A pair of diamond earrings complemented the glitzy and glamrous side of the actress. The matter finish skin with contouring, sparkly eye shadow and fluttery eye lashes rounded off her glam game. She secured her tresses in a long pony, which was neatly tied up in a pony.
Next, we have Sara Jane as a Christian bride. The actress looked elegant in her gorgeous white gown, and a flowy veil. The plunging neckline served the perfect canvas for her choker necklace. Some diamonds for earrings added a subtle bling to her wedding ensemble.
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