The king of Telugu cinema, superstar Mahesh Babu celebrates his 49th birthday today. On this occasion, the Guntur Kaaram actor's darling daughter Sitara Ghattamaneni wished her dear father on her social media handle. The 12-year-old celebrity shared an Instagram post, wishing her dad with her whole heart on his special day along with the caption, "Happy birthday nana ! thank u for being the best dad ever, i love u so so much @urstrulymahesh" and a heart emoji. The post featured a bouquet of blurry but loved-up pictures of Mahesh Babu spending time with his family including wife Namrata Shirodkar, son Gautham Ghattamaneni, daughter Sitara Ghattamaneni and the family's late dog, Pluto. Mahesh Babu and his daughter Sitara Ghattamaneni were seen sharing a wonderful father-daughter moment in the picture. The duo looked into each other's eyes and shared a precious moment on social media.
Also Read: Here's How You Can Make "Memories In Monaco" Just Like How Sitara Ghattamaneni Did
But this isn't the first time that their father-daughter has won the internet. Here are five moments featuring Mahesh Babu and his daughter Sitara that made for mushy memories to cherish.
This first moment is a blurry selfie shared by Sitara that captured herself with her dad. She captioned the picture, "Out of focus @urstrulymahesh" that showed the duo sharing a happy moment, smiling at the camera together.
The next post showed Sitara wishing Mahesh Babu on Father's Day with two pictures of them where Sitara was being goofy with her father while sitting on top him. She shared the pictures on her Instagram with the caption, "happy father's day nana i love u so so much @urstrulymahesh" along with a two hearts emoji.
Next Sitara shared a picture where she was clicked wrapped in her father's arms and being kissed on her head by him. She captioned the post, "memories in monaco @urstrulymahesh" with a heart emoji. It shows the happy memories created by the duo on their travels to Monaco.
The next picture posted by Sitara showed her sharing a selfie with both her parents, Mahesh Babu and Namrata Shirodkar as she wished them on their anniversary and called them "the best parents ever". She captioned the post, "happy anniversary to the best parents ever !! love u guys".
Last but not the least, is the picture that Sitara had shared on her Instagram profile last year on her father's birthday. It showed Mahesh Babu and her sitting on a dining table and sharing a laugh as the former looked at her with eyes full of love. Sitara captioned the post, "life's greatest adventures are the moments we share together!! Happy birthday nana <3 love you to the moon and back @urstrulymahesh". Sitara's love for her dad and sharing moments together was expressed in the post and is still making our hearts' full one year on.
Sitara Ghattamaneni wishing her dad Mahesh Babu on his 49th birthday and their father-daughter bond is the most heart warming thing on the internet today.
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