Hollywood star Jessica Alba was recently seen letting her hair down when she vacationed in Mykonos, Greece with her family and friends. The Trigger Warning actress shared a carousel post on her Instagram handle that gave us a sneak peek into the fun times she experienced with her family as they holidayed in Europe. Jessica captioned the post, "Nights out in #Mykonos - a vibe" along with a dancing girl and heart emoji, symbolic of the party nights the family spent on the Grecian island. Jessica Alba's recent post showed her living through gleeful times with her family and friends in Greece. The first picture showed Jessica standing hand-in-hand posing with her daughters Honor Marie Warren and Haven Garner Warren. The trio posed in chic holiday-ready outfits, looking all ready to party. The next video showed Jessica enjoying tropical drinks and delectable seafood and cheese salads with her family. There was also wonderful live music during the party while they stayed next to nature in Mykonos, Greece. ADVERTISEMENT A third picture painted a family portrait of Jessica along with her daughters, son Hayes and their father Cash posing with a beautiful sunset and the beach in the backdrop. ADVERTISEMENT The next picture showed the family posing with their extended family and friends for a frame-worthy vacation picture. ADVERTISEMENT The next picture showed Jessica sitting on a step with Cash Warren and posing for a candid picture dressed in their tropical vacation outfits. The last video showed Jessica along with her entire family witnessing a party-themed dance performance in Greece. They were seen partying, spending time cheering, singing, dancing and making merry with their loved ones. Jessica Alba enjoying wholesome family time while on vacation in Greece is a heart-warming sight on the internet. CommentsAlso Read: How Jessica Alba Winds Down With Her Simple Night Time Skin Care Routine |