Sobhita Dhulipala recently shared a wholesome post on the internet featuring her fiance Naga Chaitanya. The Ponniyin Selvan 2 actress captured headlines when she got engaged to Naga Chaitanya in a close-knit ceremony on August 8, 2024. Following her betrothal, Sobhita shared a heart-touching post on her Instagram handle along with the caption, "What could my mother be to yours? What kin is my father to yours anyway? And how did you and I meet ever? But in love our hearts are as red earth and pouring rain mingled beyond parting. -From Kurunthogai, translated by A K Ramanujan". It left her followers love struck with her success on the path of love.
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Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya's engagement came as a surprise to the world, as their relationship in the past has not been widely discussed. The actress' poetic ode to her husband-to-be was all heart and delved into their cosmic connection that brought them together in love beyond separation in this world.
According to reports, the couple had been steadily dating for the past year and a half and decided to finally take their relationship to the next level.
Earlier during the year, Naga and Sobhita were seen vacationing together in pictures that surfaced online. However, neither of them had spoken about their relationship in the media. According to a story by Hindustan Times in ADD THE DATE, "Naga and Sobhita have found a happy place with each other, and are dating. They like to spend time with each other. They keep going on vacations together. However, they want to keep their private lives out of the public glare."
They further added, "And that's the reason they don't post about each other online. They are aware about the emergence of their pictures online, and the buzz. But they don't want to address it and make it a talking point. They don't want to divert the attention from their professional work to their personal space. They are not working really hard to keep their affair a secret, but are not eager to go public either".
Aren't Sobhita Dhulipala and Naga Chaitanya 's engagement pictures and the poetry attached the most emotionally wholesome thing on the internet today?