Khushi Kapoor is all set to make her Bollywood Debut. Ever since the official cast of the upcoming Archies was revealed there has been a lot of talk about the movie. Amidst it all, Khushi Kapoor keeps raising the glam bar higher with each of her wardrobe choices. From her chic western wear, stylish street-style fashion to exquisite Indian wear, the diva knows exactly how to stun her fans. Going down the memory lane, let's have a look at all the gorgeous desi looks that the actor sports which were a perfect blend of sassy, classy and chic.
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Seen wearing stunning ethnic wear options, Khushi has made some charming impressions on our minds. She was seen adorning a pretty pink lehenga which featured delicate white embroidery. She paired the lehenga with a stunning off-shoulder crop top with sheer sleeve detailing and sparkly embellishments. The actor wore dangling earrings with the outfit which complemented the look perfectly.
Did you check out Khushi Kapoor's sunshine yellow lehenga? The spectacular Arpita Mehta lehenga was peppy and stylish in every way. The actor teamed it with a metallic gold backless blouse which was super chic and trendy and added a modern twist to the ethnic look. She wore metallic makeup and picked a pair of dangling earrings with the outfit.
Khushi Kapoor is here to win hearts and her gorgeous indo-western lehenga from Anita Dongre is proof. The actor wore an embroidered white and blue lehenga with layered flare and tie dye with a chic crop top with sheer panel details. Leaving her mane loose in beachy waves, Khushi picked a pair of dangling earrings and a delicate necklace to go with the outfit.
We found Khushi Kapoor's deep green and gold anarkali fascinating and rightly so. The beautiful kurta featured full-sleeves, with heavy work zari embroidery in gold. She teamed it with a gold work net dupatta which was just as stunning. Tying her mane in a neat bun, Khushi picked a pearl choker necklace and opted for glammed up dewy makeup.
Also Read: Khushi Kapoor Is A Vision In A Checkered Green Mini Dress
Khushi Kapoor's non-festive ethnic wear outfits are just as classy. The diva wore a simple pink and white salwar kameez which had white lace work at the sleeves and hemline and looked gorgeous. Teaming up the floral kurta with plain pink pants and a breezy chiffon dupatta, Khushi simply looked breath-taking.
Are you too swooned by Khushi Kapoor's jaw-dropping ethnic wardrobe?
CommentsAlso Read: Khushi Kapoor Even In A Cool Blue Mesh Dress Looks Like She Can Burn Things Up