Kriti Sanon has been super busy promoting her latest movie Bhediya which is scheduled to make a theatre release on 25th November 2022. The actor will be seen with Varun Dhawan in this one. The actor leaves no stone unturned while making some stunning wardrobe choices and making her fans swoon over her impeccable style. For the movie's promotions, the actor has been giving us exquisite outfit inspiration and it's time to look at all her outfits which we have cherished over the last couple of weeks. We have bookmarked Kriti's monochromatic looks which we have loved so far.
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Kriti Sanon wore a fluorescent yellow ruched mini dress from the clothing brand David Koma which featured dramatic cutout detailing over the torso and the neckline. The outfit was a one-shouldered mini dress which the actor teamed with a pair of thigh-high black boots. A nude makeup and an updo completed Kriti's edgy look.
Kriti Sanon's tangerine saree from the clothing brand of Akanksha Gajria was a breath of fresh air in the autumn. The all-tangerine breezy drape was teamed by the actor with a sleeveless sheer orange blouse which featured a deep, plunging neckline. She accessorised the look with a pair of studded mojaris and a few statement earrings. Her messy ponytail and dewy makeup was right on point too.
Kriti Sanon would put newly bloomed flowers to shame in a pastel pink jumpsuit of hers. The actor's strapless jumpsuit from Nadine Merabi's clothing brand was chic and stylish in every way. It featured a tube neckline with feather-like details and a wide leg bottom. She wore a pair of transparent heels with the jumpsuit.
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We cannot simply get over Kriti Sanon's all-green pantsuit. Her fresh and fluorescent outfit exuded boss-lady vibes which suited Kriti's persona very well. The all-lime ensemble had a button-down, full-sleeved blazer with belle sleeves and a wide-leg pair of trousers. Leaving her mane in a sleek manner, Kriti opted for white heels to complete her look.
Kriti Sanon chose an elegant ethnic number for Bhediya promotions and looked totally poised in it. The lace saree from designer label Zainab Salman featured a sheer detailing in white with intricate white floral embroidery and looked stylishly chic in every way. Kriti picked a sleeveless blouse which had a plunging neckline to go with the drape and kept her makeup minimal with a sleek bun to go with it.
Which is your favourite look of Kriti's from Bhediyapromotions?
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