Kriti Sanon has been busy promoting her latest movie Bhediya alongside Varun Dhawan which is scheduled release on 25th November 2022. We are not just amazed by the trailer of the movie but totally in awe of Kriti's closet selection for the promotional events. The diva has left no stone unturned as she opts for gorgeous outfits while promoting the movie. For her latest photoshoot, from the pictures shared by her stylist Sukriti Grover, Kriti was seen wearing a multicoloured maxi dress with printed roses made on it. The outfit from designer label Gauri and Nainika featured ruffled sleeves, a deep neckline and a glamorous fall at the bottom. A broad waist belt in black added a stylish edge to the outfit. Kriti opted for a pair of strappy black heels to go with her outfit. For accessories, she opted for a pair of studded floral earrings and teamed it with minimal glam makeup with shimmery eyelids, well-contoured cheeks and coral lips.
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Kriti Sanon looks beautiful in black and here is yet another proof of that. Kriti wore a shimmery black saree from label Dilnaz Karbhary and looked breath-taking. Her net saree featured sparkling sequins and delicate embellishments all over it. She opted for a stylish halter neck sparkly blouse in gold with black borders, with drape. Her accessories consisted of a delicate choker necklace, bracelet and stud earrings. Kriti's glamorous makeup included kohl-rimmed eyes, shimmery eyelids and glossy nude lip tint.
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While promoting Bhediya, Kriti Sanon opted for a chic black midi dress and kept it minimally chic. Her outfit with a bodycon fit featured a deep neckline and strappy sleeves. She picked a pair of strappy black heels with the outfit. For accessories, she added golden hoops and opted for minimal makeup including glossy lips, while leaving her mane loose in beachy waves.
We totally love black on Kriti.
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