Akansha Ranjan Kapoor was fashionably on point while promoting her movie Monica O My Darling which released on 11th November 2022. The diva left no stone unturned while making impeccable fashion choices and we are simply loving it. From floral co-ord sets to monochromatic outfits, Akansha has tried them all. Let's have a look at a few of Akansha's best dressed looks from the movie promotions which have set the internet ablaze and made her fans go speechless. These are Akansha's looks which we found are the best ones from the movie promotions.
Akansha Ranjan Kapoor looked absolutely a chic diva in her all-black lace dress which had sheer lace details at the neckline with an embellished black bottom. The outfit showcased intricate floral beadwork and was subtly chic. She accessorised the look with a pair of trendy sunglasses, black mini bag and black sneakers.
We got the spring vibes in autumn from Akansha Ranjan Kapoor as she slayed a gorgeous floral printed blue and white co-ord set. Her outfit consisted of a stunning bralette-style top with puffy sleeves and a plunging neckline while the midi skirt which she teamed it with had pleat detailing. She accessoried the look with hoop earrings, rings and white heels. For makeup, she wore a white eyeliner and kept it sparkly with a nude lip gloss.
For yet another photoshoot, Akansha Ranjan Kapoor opted for a bright lime co-ord set which was sporty and chic at the same time. The three-piece outfit was from the designer label Ranbir Mukherjee and consisted of a bralette, a pair of shorts and a full-sleeved blazer over it in the same shade of bright lime. She wore a golden choker necklace as the accessory while tying her mane in a sleek ponytail. Her minimally chic makeup was on point too.
Also Read: Akansha Ranjan Kapoor Brings In The Year In High Waist Jeans And A Gingham Crop Top
Akansha Ranjan Kapoor opted for an all-white number and looked radiantly charming in the Ranbir Mukherjee outfit. She wore a two-piece blazer dress with a strappy bralette, and a full-sleeved blazer over it. The blazer featured a wrap belt detailing at the waistline She wore shimmery brown eyeshadow and brown lips and kept her makeup minimally chic. For accessories she opted for a pair of golden hoop earrings.
Akansha Ranjan Kapoor wore a stunning black dress from the clothing brand Miakee which fitted her like a glove. The strapless midi dress had fur details at the neckline and at its hemline. The all-black number was chic and glamorous. She finished off her look with minimal makeup and picked a pair of transparent heels as the only accessory.
Which is your favourite look from Akansha's wardrobe?
CommentsAlso Read: Akansha Ranjan Kapoor's Power Style Is Right In White