Alia Bhatt's fashion game is always on point. And, we have ample proof. The actress is currently busy promoting her upcoming movie Brahmastra, co-starring Ranbir Kapoor and Amitabh Bachchan. And, she is making it a point to make heads turn with her fashion outings. This time, she picked a Boondi dress, which was hand-clamp-dyed by artisans on muslin silk. The outfit is from the shelves of The Jodi Life. Alia prefered to go low on accessories, therefore she wore a simple pair of golden zig-zag hoop earrings. Her makeup was kept natural with a touch of nude shades. And that pregnancy glow simply added more glam to her look. Alia left her tresses loose.
Also Read: Alia Bhatt Adds A Funky Printed T-Shirt Dress And Heels To Her Maternity Style Files
Amid promotions, Alia Bhatt is giving us major maternity fashion goals. From pantsuits to gorgeous dresses, she is making the fashion police stop and take notes. The actress kept it cool as she wore elevated bellbottom denim with a beige shirt. Alia has picked a bunch of rings and medium-size golden hoops to accessorise her look. The actress went for glowy yet subtle make-up. Her manes were left open with soft curls towards the end.
Alia Bhatt has so far picked easy-breezy outfits in soft fabrics and vibrant colours. In these pictures, Alia is decked up in a soft pink shirt dress, which is layered with a black waistcoat and a pair of comfortable black jeggings. The sheer fabric shirt dress is from the shelves of the luxury fashion brand, Gucci. Alia, as usual, has kept her makeup simple with a dash of brown eye makeup and a nude lip shade. She ditched the jewellery and just wore only a statement ring.
Also Read: Alia Bhatt Makes Monsoon Months Look More Snug In A Rs 5 Lakh Chanel Cardigan
Mom-to-be Alia Bhatt flaunted her baby bump in this stunning wrap-style brown dress with a plunging neckline. Maternity fashion never looked glamorous until now. She wore a dark brown inner top. Her chic brown number sported oversized bell sleeves with tie-knot detailing around the cuffs. Glamorous make-up? Check. Accessories? Ditched. For the look, Alia kept her tresses open in waves.
Also Read: We're Wrapped Around Alia Bhatt's Plain Brown Mini Dress
Street style look with a formal touch during pregnancy? Only Alia Bhatt can nail it. The actress wore a classy black blazer and a pair of blue ripped jeans. Golden hoops have been a part of Alia Bhatt's fashion game and the actress once again paired them with this chic look. To amp up the overall look, she went for bronze cheeks and glossy lips. Her tresses were middle-parted and secured in a low ponytail.
Alia Bhatt is making us stop and stare at her maternity fashion.
CommentsAlso Read: Alia Bhatt Leaves Us In Complete 'Shreds' In Her Ripped Jeans And Blazer