The news of Alia Bhatt expecting her first child with actor Ranbir Kapoor has left the fans in awe. And indeed, the pregnancy glow is looking gorgeous on her. She is currently promoting her Netflix film Darlings in full swing. But it's truly fantastic how she always stays loyal to her fashion game leaving everyone scurrying to take notes. Alia's latest look has taken the Internet by storm. In the pictures she posted on Instagram, the actress could be seen rocking a chic black blazer with power shoulders. She teamed it with a pair of dark blue ripped jeans. The star has accessorised herself with gold hoop earrings and rings. For makeup, she wore contoured cheeks, mascara-laden eyelashes and a dash of glossy brown shade on her lips. She chose a sleek hairdo while tied her hair in a middle-parted ponytail.
Also Read: Alia Bhatt Knows Exactly How To Put Ranbir Kapoor's Blazer To Good Use Over Her Mini Dress
Alia Bhatt has kept us glued to her social media account with some mind-blowing looks while promoting the film. She wore a gorgeous shimmery black and white dress and looked every bit glamorous. Further, to give it a power twist, the actress took a classy black blazer from her husband Ranbir Kapoor's wardrobe and flaunted it like a fashionista. With smoky eyes and nude glossy lips, she was good to go. Her hair was styled in light curls.
Alia Bhatt can make us go green with envy with her jaw-dropping wardrobe choices. Really, we haven't seen anyone acing denim look as Alia did. The actress went for an oversized chic white shirt with a collar, buttoned front and sleeves cuffed up her arms. However, it was the choice of her bottom that stole the show. She opted for a pair of flared denim jeans made entirely of frayed patches sewn together. Alia jazzed up her look with gold hoops and rings. To top off her look, she wore smoky eyes and a neutral shade on her lips. Her hair was tied in a ponytail.
Alia Bhatt has been continuously acing a variety of outfits like a true-blue fashionista. For another promotional photoshoot for Darlings, she dazzled in a sunshine yellow pantsuit set. The diva decked up in a pastel yellow blazer teamed with a black camisole inside. With that, she tried matching yellow trousers. Her nude makeup and tresses left in soft waves complemented the look.
All the mothers-to-be, who wish to add some interesting outfits to their closets, can take cues from Alia Bhatt. She has never disappointed us with her fashion sensibilities. For the trailer launch of Darlings, Alia dazzled in a flouncy yellow mini dress. The actress looked so beautiful that it was difficult to pry our eyes off her. To cap off her look, the minimalist queen added nude makeup and secured her hair in a ponytail.
Alia Bhatt certainly knows how to make the maximum impact with minimal looks.
CommentsAlso Read: Alia Bhatt In A Pastel Yellow Rs 2.1 Lakh Pantsuit Is Our Kinda Boss Woman