Alia Bhatt is going to be seen in Heart Of Stone alongside Gal Gadot, and we cannot wait to see the gorgeous actress making her Hollywood debut. But even before she shines on the screen, she will be seen making her red-carpet debut at the Met Gala on 1st May 2023. The actress who has won many hearts with her phenomenal performances all throughout 2022 from Gangubai Kathiawadi, RRR and Brahmastra, also made her debut as a producer in Darlings. The year was definitely spectacular for Alia and 2023 would be just as glorious. The actress would be seen in a stunning Prabal Gurung outfit at the Met Gala event, according to the sources.
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Met Gala has always been a treat for the fashion police where celebrities raise the glam bar higher every year. Natasha Poonawalla has always made spectacular style statements at the event wearing some gorgeous pieces in the past. Last year Natasha's glided Schiaparelli touch came to her embellished Sabyasachi saree with a golden corset bodice.
In 2017, Deepika Padukone made her Met Gala debut in a slinky white Tommy Hilfiger. The strappy outfit featured a plunging neckline and a backless design that could burn a hundred others. But even though her debut was in Tommy Hilfiger, even she trusted Prabal Gurung for her 2018 appearance. She wore a one-shouldered ravishing all-red outfit with a dramatic side slit and elaborate trail to follow.
Also Read: Pure Artistic Perfection Is When Alia Bhatt Stuns Us In A Pleated Saree
Priyanka Chopra debuted at the Met Gala in a Ralph Lauren gown in 2017. She had walked the ramp with now-husband Nick Jonas looking absolutely stunning in a beige-coloured trench coat dress with a long trail.
We are wondering what Alia Bhatt would look like making her glamorous debut!
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