Alia Bhatt was among the many Bollywood stars who attended the after-party of the Nita Mukesh Ambani Cultural Centre (NMACC) event in Mumbai. No doubt the actress was able to stand out with her impeccable style. Making yet another fashion statement, Alia Bhatt looked uber chic in an ivory mini dress by Krikor Jabotian. The blown-up top with red stones motif elevated the drama quotient of the ensemble. Alia wore a pair of elbow-length cut gloves with red jewel detailing, which was complemented by her statement earrings. Golden Christian Louboutin heels and her glamorous makeup added more pizazz to her chic style. Kohl-rimmed eyes and glowy skin with enough contouring were textbook perfect. A subtle shade of pink on the lips worked fine. She left her tresses open in messy waves.
Also Read: Alia Bhatt Is Nothing Less Than A Goddess In Gold Wearing An Embellished Body-Hugging Gown
All that glittered on Day 2 of NMACC was Alia Bhatt's look. The fashion maven looked exceptional in the gold-toned number from Elie Saab Couture. The scoop neckline of the bodycon number complimented the fit while the intricate embellishments brought some extra bling to her style. Choker-style necklaces and traditional stud earrings held together with a gold chain reminded us of the late 90s. She paired her ultra-glam attire with minimal glam, as she wore nude and smokey tones.
Alia Bhatt's arrival at the grand opening of the NMACC was too good to miss. She walked the red carpet in a reimagined saree. The traditional drape had tissue fabric pleats, which were perfectly wrapped around her, and they extended right onto a pleated pallu. The saree was teamed with a strapless off-shoulder blouse, showcasing 3D flower detailing. She added a touch of bling with those contemporary jewellery picks consisting of a coral reef-inspired choker, waterfall-inspired cuff bracelet and floral earrings.
Alia made a strong case for aesthetics in her vibrant georgette gown. From the latest collection of the clothing brand Costarellos, her sea green gown came with twisted cut-outs around the torso, a deep V-neckline, and a thigh-high slit. From the accessory department, she picked a gorgeous diamond necklace with a big emerald studded right in the centre.
Also Read: Pure Artistic Perfection Is When Alia Bhatt Stuns Us In A Pleated Saree
Alia Bhatt knows how to rule the red carpet. For Time 100 Impact Awards 2022, Alia picked a custom-made metallic gown by designer duo Gauri and Nainika. It came with long, floor-length cape sleeves, and pleated details. A few statement rings, a pair of dangling earrings and a stack of delicate bangles for accessories sat well with the outfit.
Alia Bhatt will be next seen in Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani alongside her Gully Boy co-star Ranveer Singh. She also has Jee Le Zara with Katrina Kaif and Priyanka Chopra in her kitty. Alia will also make her Hollywood debut with the Netflix release Heart of Stone.
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