Never one to stick to the rules, Priyanka Chopra ensures that her style statement puts forth her take on the latest trends. Being the biggest cheerleader of her husband Nick Jonas, Priyanka seems to have taken out time from her busy schedule to attend Jonas Brothers' World Tour but surely stylishly. But mind you, she is just as stylish on screen as she is off it. Post the gig on Wednesday, the actress dropped a stylish mirror selfie wearing the chicest co-ord set. Coming from the shelves of Oceanus Swimwear, the ensemble featured a white crop top with a high waist mini skirt. The Tallulah co-ord set was accentuated with hand-embroidered Swarovski crystals. The motifs on the outfit were inspired by sea life. The two-piece set also highlighted an eco-friendly power mesh base. With straps, the crop top featured a square neckline. Priyanka paired her look with a metallic silver jacket and sequin heel boots. A beaded necklace and multiple bracelets accessorised her well. Side parted loosened tresses looked good on her.
Animal prints, Barbiecore, feathers—you name it, Priyanka Chopra wears it all like the fashion dominator she is. Recently, the actress attended the Jonas Brothers concert at Yankee Stadium, where she created her monochrome magic. Priyanka created a stunning case of black on black but this time she opted for a checkered trend. Her co-ord set featured a black and white shimmery bandeau paired with a midi skirt. She styled it all with a leather jacket, adding some edgy elements. Black and silver strappy heels completed her look. her final touch was side-parted curled loosened hair.
Believe it or not, the co-ord set speaks Priyanka Chopra's style language. At one of the Bulgari events, the actress wore a maroon co-ord set in velvet fabric. The outfit featured an off-shoulder full-sleeved crop top paired with a long velvety skirt with a train and a ruched waist gathering. A magnanimous waist brooch was all the dazzle the solid-hued outfit carried. Matching bold red lips looked stunning on her.
Also Read: Priyanka Chopra's Stylish Swimsuits Are Main Leads In Nick Jonas' "July Movie"
Priyanka Chopra is fond of clean silhouettes that ensure to highlight her envious hourglass figure and we're glad she can occasionally mix fashion and fun when supporting her husband.