Global fashion icon Jodie Turner-Smith had all eyes on her during Milan Fashion Week. She graced Gucci's Ancora Fashion Show and turned all heads with her presence. Amidst divorce reports from Joshua Jackson, the model-actress recently posted a series of images of herself owning a bossbabe look. A bold lesson in power-dressing. In the image series, the British actress was seen walking into the event with her mother Hilda Turner-Smith. The diva wore a striking grey three-piece ensemble that had the fashion world buzzing. Her outfit featured a bralette-style top that flaunted her perfectly toned abs. The star paired it with some classy flared denims. A matching grey blazer slung over her shoulders gave off the effortless chic vibe that fit right in with the look. To add that extra oomph, Jodie rocked a black belt adorned with golden Gucci branding. That's not all, she layered on the bling with a chain-style choker, a golden necklace, dainty earrings, a septum ring, snazzy bracelets, a sleek watch, and an assortment of rings. To top it all off, those stylish black sunglasses was the icing on the style cake. Of course, Jodie's black pointed heels added the perfect finished to her OOTD perfectly. Her mother Hilda was no slouch in the fashion department either. She wore a shirt dress and accessorised with a chic sling, a pair of hoop earrings, and heels. Together, this dynamic mother-daughter duo turned heads and set fashion goals aplenty at Gucci's Fashion Show.
Not too long ago, Jodie Turner-Smith set the fashion scene on fire at Vogue World in London. She stepped out in a little black dress that redefined the word stylish. This LBD was all about the drama, featuring a grand bow design, a midriff-baring pattern, and an asymmetrical neckline. But there's more – Jodie took the style up a notch with some black above-elbow gloves and added that touch of old Hollywood glamour. From the accessory store, she chose a diamond bracelet, statement drop earrings, and a pair of sleek black stilettos. Her makeup game was strong with a dewy base and a rosy blush that made her cheeks pop.
Jodie Turner-Smith always keeps the fashion world talking with her stylish presence.