Ananya Panday and Ayushmann Khurrana's Dream Girl 2 has stormed into the coveted 100 crore club. To toast this triumph, the film's producer, Ekta Kapoor threw a grand celebration that was nothing short of a star-studded extravaganza. Stealing the spotlight was the movie's leading lady, Ananya Panday, who made a jaw-dropping entrance. Her outfit choice? A red hot bralette-style top paired with a matching skirt that oozed confidence. The strapless top featured stylish side cutouts, perfectly complemented by a pre-draped skirt that came with a sassy slit. Ananya maintained an air of sophistication, wearing a choker-style collar. Her sleek, poker-straight hair was elegantly swept back. The diva chose minimal gold jewellery and soft pink makeup to wrap up her sensational party look.
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During the promotions of Dream Girl 2, all eyes were on Ananya Panday's fashion choices. She rocked the denim trend, sporting a trendy frayed corset-style denim top with stylish distressed accents. She paired it effortlessly with oversized wide-leg jeans. With her minimal makeup and flowing hair, Ananya nailed the street-style look with absolute finesse.
No long before that, Ananya Panday dazzled in a floral dress from the luxury label, House Of CB. The yellow canvas was adorned with a charming pink floral pattern. The dress featured a figure-hugging bodice that gracefully flared out below, giving it an elegant silhouette. It was a sleeveless beauty, adorned with delicate button detailing at the dress's centre. Ananya kept it simple with her makeup and accessories, letting the dress make all the noise.
Ananya previously wowed us with her corset mini dress. This white stunner not only featured a daring plunging neckline but also showcased a ribbed bustline and a chic corset-style bodice, seamlessly transitioning into a flared hem. To add a dash of contrast and edginess, Ananya completed the look with a stylish pair of black boots.
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A while ago, Ananya wore this blue dress with a mesmerising midriff cutout. The velvet attire gracefully hugged her curves. To top off the look, the star opted for a neat bun hairstyle and added an extra touch of sophistication to her look.
Ananya Panday's off-screen appearances are as charming as her on-screen looks.
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