So far, summer has seen a whole lot of starry fashion from Bollywood celebrities. While Disha Pantani strides through the city in a floral dress, Mandira Bedi does it in a red bikini while in Thailand on her summer vacation. So what has Sonakshi Sinha made her choice in this summer? Just you wait and see. The Bollywood actress made news recently for posting vague photos featuring her fingers and a ring prominently worn on her hand. Much ado was created about whether engagement bells were ringing for Ms. Sinha but that doesn't seem like the case. In reality, Sonakshi was only giving us a peek of her new brand of press-on nails, SOEZI. And while we're intrigued at how it's going to change the at-home manicure game, we were also thrilled to see her gorgeous summery look.
(Also Read: Introducing Neon To Ethnic Wear Is Sonakshi Sinha In A Sequined Saree)
For the launch event, Sonakshi wore a coord set of a kimono-style top with billowy sleeves, a cropped length and tied-front detail. It was paired with shorts which featured the same print in shades of blue and peach. It seems like summer is calling out Sonakshi's name and she picked up the phone on the first ring.
Sonakshi's accessories made this one a winner. She streamlined the look with poined blue T-strap pumps and carried a shell-designed purse in her hand. Sonakshi picked tinted purple sunglasses for that funky touch. Along with her pastel blue manicure, her hair worn in waves at the end added to the summery feel of this outfit.
(Also Read: Sonakshi Sinha Slays A Neon Co-Ord Set On Her Beach Day)