Sonam Kapoor is the reigning fashionista of Bollywood. Be it her airport looks or red carpet appearances, she is always serving some major style inspo. Recently, the actress made heads turn at the 2023 Business of Fashion's (BoF) 500 Gala with her sartorial choice. Sonam has been a member of the BoF 500 index since 2013. For her latest fashion outing at the Gala in Paris, Sonam went for an all-white look from the shelves of Valentino's Resort 2024 collection. The diva looked ethereal in the white dress, featuring a flowy silhouette. We all know that Sonam is an expert in carrying risque outfits with grace and confidence. The actress proved it once again as she displayed poise in this cut-out, orange-embellished plunging neckline. The floor-sweeping terrain added a dreamy aura to the ensemble. Sonam did not disappoint in her choice of accessories for the gala event. For a touch of sparkle, she chose a pair of ombre and ruby-red, stone-encrusted dangler earrings that were definitely over 6 inches. On-fleek winged eyeliner with fluttery lashes, blush-tinted cheeks and nude lipstick, contributed to her minimal makeup. Her wavy hair was left open, as they cascaded down her waist.
There is no going wrong with a crop top and a skirt. We have it approved by Sonam Kapoor. She styled a beige, off-shoulder top with a long, red-pleated skirt. The strap-on wide belt, cliched at her waist was the extra oomph factor. She amped up her glam-chic avatar with high-rise, black boots. A black choker necklace, small hoops, and smokey eyes sealed the deal for her impressive look.
Sonam shelled out boss-lady vibes in this grey-chequered blazer, hung casually around her shoulders and similar-patterned trousers. A strapless, black corset top underneath exuded bold vibes. The classy co-ord set was from the shelves of designer Junya Watanabe. In a close-up selfie, Sonam flaunted her perfect makeup. Contoured cheeks, nude-matte lip shade, and winged eyeliner completed her boss-babe avatar. She made her hair in a neat bun updo.
In a white zardozi saree with intricate embroidery, Sonam turned muse to designer Abu Jani Sandeep Khosla. The silver and pearly white embellishments brought out a regal charm. The diva styled her six yards of drape with a pearl-encrusted curvy necklace and diamond solitaire earrings. Her flawless makeup radiated elegance.
Sonam Kapoor is a walking-talking trendsetter and her Valentino business ensemble for the BoF Gala is just another reason why.