If bold and beautiful were a person it had to be Sushmita Sen. Navigating the realms of traditional and Western fashion comes naturally to her. At film producer duo Vishal Gurnani and Juhi Parekh Mehta's Diwali bash, she arrived at the venue with her partner Rohman Shawl. Shelling out both couple and fashion goals, the pair stole the spotlight and how. Sushmita dazzled in a midnight-black netted saree, adorned with golden-pink embroidery at the borders. The six-yard wonder also came with striking pink floral detailing at the pallu spreading a feminine charm to the traditional ensemble. A low-neck black blouse paved the way for the diva to flaunt her pearl-studded heavy choker necklace. Her glammed-up makeover comprised matte pink lips and blush-tinted cheeks, while her hair was left open in all its glory.
Taking the traditional route himself, Rohman Shawl looked handsome in an all-white kurta-pajama set with the olive jacket adding a flush of colour to his OOTD. His hair was tied in a half-up ponytail.
Sushmita Sen and Rohman Shawl are arguably the best-dressed couple in Bollywood. On the occasion of Rohman's birthday in 2021, the duo twinned in all-black ensembles. The actress slipped into a stunning coat dress that came with ruched sleeves and a thigh-high slit. Embracing her boss lady avatar, the diva styled her chic outfit with a high ponytail. A bright red lipstick simply elevated her charm. Rohman did not disappoint in the style department either. His suave fashion sense comprised a white high-neck cardigan and black coat.
On another occasion, the stylish pair dished out winter fashion goals and served us the best like always. Sushmita showed her love for all-black outfits here too, picking out a long top that she layered with a full-sleeved velvet coat. Black jeggings with subtle detailing on the sides rounded off her winter-ready OOTD. Rohman was dressed up in layered garments comprising a white cardigan accompanied by a grey puffer jacket. Blue joggers featuring white patterns showcased Rohman's love for casual fits.
Sushmita Sen and Rohman Shawl's style diaries boast a minimalistic charm with occasional gorgeous fits.