Falguni Shane Peacock's opening show at the FDCI India Couture Week 2023 began a round of stellar runway moments with Kiara Advani in pink as the icing on top. But in the fashion world, there was yet another model who became the talk of the town. Rabanne Jamsandekar Victor walked the ramp for the designer duo in a gorgeous golden lehenga. The model, known for his campaigns for many top designers, wowed the audience with his graceful walk on the ramp. The embellished lehenga had a mermaid skirt, indicating the trend's return in time for the season, with ruffles at the hemline and was teamed with a short-sleeved blouse with similar embellishments. The sheer dupatta added a traditional touch to the look doubling up as a veil.
What was actually amazing about Rabanne's look was that he carried his stubble with the lehenga and aced traditional grace and poise with his walk. Rabanne's effortless elegance had surely made the night even more memorable. Exquisite craftsmanship and contemporary designs on the runway with all eyes on Kiara Advani was a big moment of the night. But the gender-fluid shift in the industry is just the beginning of bigger things for the community.
It is not the first time that we have seen gender-fluid fashion choices made on the ramp or for photoshoots. Just recently we saw Rihanna as the new face of Louis Vuitton's Summer Spring 2024 Men's collection. Rihanna was wearing a leather shirt as she kept it unbuttoned. Her baby bump was also visible. She accessorised the look with chain necklaces and bright handbags.
We would definitely like to see more gender-fluid fashion on the ramp.
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