Star kids Shanaya Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor are the two emerging fashionistas in the tinsel town. The duo grab eyeballs with their astonishing style sense whenever they step out for an outing. When Shanaya and Khushi made a public appearance last night wearing fabulous numbers that simply could not be ignored. Shanaya picked a white suit for the latest outing. She paired it with a white tube top underneath the blazer. Khushi, on the other hand opted for a full-sleeved black shirt with a pair of ripped jeans. As for makeup, Shanaya stayed loyal to the nude colour on her lips and Khushi wore brown lipstick. Don't forget their designer handbags.
Some time back, we saw the Kapoor girls dressed in smart casuals while they were getting ready for an outing. Shanaya wore a brown tube top along with straight denims and threw an off-white shirt over her shoulders. Khushi picked a comfortable co-ord set with a tube top.
(Also Read: Shanaya Kapoor's Two-Toned Pants Are The Latest Fashion Statement On Our Style Radar)
From classy high-fashion outfits to elaborate ethnic wear, they know how to make a mark with their appearance wherever they go. Some days ago, the duo treated us to their stunning ethnic looks where Shanaya chose a yellow vibrant lehenga with a contrasting blue dupatta. Khushi picked a tie dye blouse and a printed skirt.
If you and your sibling are looking for some outfit suggestions for a casual day out, Shanaya and Khushi are just the right inspiration you need. It's safe to say that these two rightly know how to style an outfit with grace and oomph.
Shanaya and Khushi's “twinning” game is strong and unmatchable. They looked ultra-chic in these dresses.
It's not always about heavy lehengas or uber-stylish outfits, Shanaya and Khushi can make heads turn in simple ethnic wear as well. Shanaya looked cute in this baby pink salwar kameez. The tiny golden bindi has amplified the look here. Khushi went with a royal blue lehenga for the party.
Looks like Shanaya and Khushi are the two emerging trendsetters in the industry and there's a lot to learn from their versatile fashion sense. Agree?
Comments(Also Read: Khushi Kapoor And Shanaya Kapoor Need Nothing More To Shine Than Their Stunning Lehengas)