Stripes have been a staple in fashion town, whether Mahira Khan has flaunted them or Deepika Padukone has made a strong case for them. We've loved and sported them at office, for brunch and days when we're feeling especially Parisian. But now, we want to put them aside and try a new print. If you feel the same way, you've come to the right place because we're talking about 9 fun prints to try which definitely aren't stripes.
1. Tropical
Even if you're in the midst of winter, a smattering of palm trees, flowers and bright shades will instantly enliven your look. It's a tropical trip without actually going anywhere.
2. Polka Dots
A print which eludes a retro vibe, polka dots are incredibly popular even today with celebrities like Kareena Kapoor making fashion statements in them.
3. Animal
Here's another timeless classic that has defied trends. Animal prints, whether tiger stripes or leopard spots lend raw sensuality and are an editorial favourite.
4. Fruit
Remember that fruits are good for you and your style statement. The print has been present for years now and spotting bananas, apples and lemons on clothes is a summer surety.
5. Watercolour
Unlike most prints, watercolour could comprise of any size and shape of print with a lightly faded, uneven appearance as if painted on.
6. Paisley
This exceptionally beautiful print isn't seen as much as the others but doesn't stop it from stealing the show once worn.
7. Checks
Probably more popular than even stripes, checks are found in different variations like gingham and plaid, which usually work wonders in office wear.
8. Geometric
You may not have been good at maths but you won't be able to stay away from geometric prints. With lines and shapes aplenty, it's a feast for any print lover, which Neha Dhupia flaunts to perfection.
9. Floral
Last but never the least, the unofficial print of summer. It has existed for centuries, has been frequently chosen by celebrities and may not be groundbreaking according to Miranda Priestly but we don't think we've had enough of it yet.
Which print will you be sporting this season? Tell us in the comments.