For Gaurav Gupta's second innings at the Paris Couture Week, India continues to shine bright. And shines along in his glorious display of exaggerated gowns is none other than rapper Cardi B. A seemingly loyal Gaurav Gupta muse, the rapper arrives in a green hooded gown, one of the season's hottest red carpet trends. Her green gown is embellished with neon sequins contouring the dress in a linear fashion. The puffy hood is an extension of the off-shoulder sleeves to give the illusion of a voluminous structure. It only took a moment for celebrity rapper to turn all spotlights her way and it only took her one gorgeous gown to achieve it.
Also Read: Cardi B Surfs Large Blue Stylish Waves In A Gaurav Gupta Gown At The 65th Grammy Awards 2023
The designer's celestial collection named Hiranyagarbha or the original golden womb out of which the entire universe emerged according to the Vedas, is where he draws inspiration for this collection. Gaurav Gupta's signature, whimsical, curves and edges with exaggerated collared necklines, trailing skirts and statement sleeves all come to light in this show.
Gaurav Gupta has successfully made his place in the international fashion realm. And through his show Chinese star, Fan Bingbing shows how a classic black gown can be so much more with the designer's futuristic touch as seen recently.
Cardi B takes fancy to Gaurav Gupta's creations on and off the screen. For the 65th Grammy Awards, the rapper made waves, quite literally in a bright blue gown by the designer.
Also Read: From Madelyn Cline To Cardi B, Black Was The Chic Colour Of The Night At The 2021 AMAs
The brand's sculpted design element returned to a field of roses in a blush pink form complete with exaggerated shoulders, a plunging neckline, and a slit on the side for Cardi B's hit song No Love (Remix)
The rapper's gown is a brilliant example of how the world perceives a fashion trend and interprets it from a completely different lens. The interpretation of the hooded gown is still fresh and still serving hot off the runway. Aishwarya Rai at the Cannes red carpet this year, yet another Gaurav Gupta Cannes muse, earlier this year picked a black and silver gown to add her stamp of approval on this year's most glamorous trend.
CommentsAlso Read: Oscars 2022: Megan Thee Stallion Makes Jaws Drop In A Gaurav Gupta Gown