Wherever Disha Patani goes, she carries her glam along. The actress, who is currently in Singapore for work commitments, is busy dishing out fashion goals — one day at a time. For her recent outing in the city, Disha turned to the monochrome magic picking a stunning black LBD from the Italian luxury fashion house, Versace. The strapless number came with an exquisite strap and silver button detailing. The body-hugging fit simply elevated the oomph quotient of her OOTD. Completing the monochromatic fashion outing was her pair of black heels and a croc-effect Greca mini handbag from Versace. As per the official website, the handbag costs Rs 2,73,000. Disha's lustrous hair was left open with soft curls at the ends. We all know Disha needs little glam after all, her Korean skincare is doing the job. Her naturally glossy skin was dusted with a subtle powder-pink blush. Fluttery eyelashes coated with mascara accentuated her eyes. She finished off with glossy pink lips.
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On another page from her Singapore diaries, Disha Patani exuded princessy vibes in a ruched white mini-dress from the shelves of fashion designer Alex Perry. The Bollywood diva passed the vintage vibe check in the slinky attire, showcasing a plunging neckline with sleek straps. Disha flaunted her curves in the form-fitting, corset silhouette, the boned bodice with padded cups adding an extra layer of allure to her gorgeous ensemble. The ethereal white look was further complemented with gloves of the same hue and a pair of beige stiletto heels. The actress rounded off the fashion outing with glamorous and dewy makeup, consisting of a bright red shade of lipstick, dramatic eyes, and curly, open tresses.
Keep it chic but glamorous — Disha Patani's vibe check in Singapore is pretty evident in her wardrobe. She aced the glam-chic avatar in a strapless, denim grey midi-dress with ruffled bottoms. She sided with subtle makeup, consisting of glossy, pink plum lips and blush-tinted cheeks. Disha left her hair open, and sported a pair of glasses, exhibiting quite a nerdy look. A pair of high-rise black boots and minimal accessories were just the right pick
Disha Patani's wardrobe aesthetics stand apart from fashion trends. Time and again she pops on our fashion radar with her distinctive sartorial approach.
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