Disha Patani's latest Instagram entry is giving major Bridgerton vibes. For a jewellery launch event, the diva opted for a stunning yellow corset dress. The strapless bodice featured a structured fit, lined with vertical stripes. The ruffled skirt extended into a floor-grazing hem. Despite the retro touch, Disha sprinkled some modern glam to her OOTD by hopping onto the now-viral floral rage. Intricate flower embroidery in the shades of lavender and green was seen all over the sunny-laced ensemble. An equally gorgeous golden embellished bralette peeked from underneath the outfit and doubled the princess quotient. Disha skipped heavy-duty beauty strokes, resorting to a nude-glam look. She also said goodbye to accessories and took the bare jewellery route. Her curly tresses were left open in all their glory.
Earlier, while attending Ajio Grazia Young Fashion Awards 2024, Disha Patani dished out wedding vibes in a surreal white gown by luxury clothing brand Aadnevik. The bustier, beautifully weaved with lacework, featured no straps. The corseted waist once again proved Disha's love for the age-old attire. The tulle game including braided leather details served panache. Adding the risque elements were the dual thigh slits. The actress aptly teamed up the regal wardrobe pick with diamond jewellery and a fashionably messy updo.
On another page of her princess diaries, Disha Patani opened her royal wardrobe to put on a black gown. The halter neck straps came down to form a sweetheart neckline and a cinched waist. The play with sequins, crystals, and floral lace on the fitted bodice enhanced the sultry appeal of the ensemble. The midnight black outfit cascaded into a pleated, figure-hugging skirt. A multi-tiered diamond necklace, dewy makeup, and open hair added a perfect finishing touch.
Disha Patani is living her princess dream and her fans are loving every moment.