Esha Gupta's fashion mood board is a mix of feminine silhouettes and chic fits. We have no qualms in admitting that she slays in both. In her recent Instagram entry, the actress looked like a dream in a marble-dyed pink gown by the designer duo Shantanu and Nikhil. The off-shoulder number came with a structured off-shoulder neckline that gave all the right glam vibes. The bodice fit her like a glove and the golden embellishment on the waist added subtle drama. The crisp pleats at the hem were another interesting element that notched up her style Esha dished out modern princess vibes in the ensemble. Complementing her summer-ready OOTD was a pair of diamond danglers, a delicate choker, and an enormous ring.
Also Read: Esha Gupta Means Business When In A Crisp White Skirt Suit
Previously, for a photoshoot, Esha Gupta turned her attention to a Zara Umrigar masterpiece. She went ahead with an icy blue evening gown featuring thin straps. The ample sequins and deft glitter work added pizzazz to the costume. Esha's slinky number also came with a scooped neckline and a thigh-high slit. However, the real show stealer was the golden embellishment that single-handedly accentuated her look.
Earlier, at a “summer wedding”, Esha Gupta played the most fashionable bridesmaid. She chose a velvety black gown, exuding old Hollywood glamourThe form-fitting Victoria Coleccion creation had a timeless aura and came with a ruffled hem. Esha's hourglass figure was on full display in the dainty fit. The dazzle for the monotone retro-themed outfit was delivered by a dainty diamond choker and rings.
Esha Gupta's outfits possess a distinctive flair that we cannot stop admiring.