Keerthy Suresh's latest saree-torial pick is guiding ethnic fashion in a new direction. Her traditional style looks have always been a serve and her latest look was no exception. For the promotions of her upcoming release Raghu Thatha, the actress turned to stunning dark florals to make us do a double take. From the shelves of Torani, the actress picked a black and red floral number that seemed to be perfect for glam evenings. The beautiful saree came with colourful floral details in red, yellow and green hues. She paired the look with a stunning halter neck blouse that featured an oomph-oozing backless pattern. She nailed the beauty department too with winged eyeliner, glossy lips and an adorned bun.
Also Read: Nothing In Life Is Perfect, But Keerthy Suresh In A Vivid Tarun Tahiliani Saree Comes Closest To It
Nothing says festive quite like a saree and Keerthy Suresh definitely knows how to make a case for the same. Previously, the actress took her "maid of honour" duties quite seriously and stylishly as she looked radiant in a beautiful blush pink saree. She proved to be the chicest bridesmaid with her sophisticated yet statement-making look. She paired the look with a matching sleeveless blouse and kept it minimal with dewy glam and a sleek back bun.
Also Read: Keerthy Suresh's "New Beginnings" Start In A Sunny Yellow Raw Mango Saree
CommentsKeerthy Suresh and her sartorial sensibilities are meant to weave an ethereal ethnic dream