Murder Mubarak has finally premiered on Netflix. Just a day ahead of its premiere, the makers hosted a grand screening on Thursday. With numerous Bollywood A-listers under one roof, the screening night turned out to be all things glamorous. Especially the red carpet that was brimming with all kinds of style elements and we were hard hit by elegance as we spotted Tamannaah Bhatia strutting the red carpet in an ethereal pristine white look. The actress crossed all levels of chicness, as she wore a subtle ivory-hued crochet gown that came with stunning cutwork. With a halter neckline, the stunning fit featured an overall floral pattern and cut-out detailing around her midriff region. Tamannaah styled the outfit along with an oversized blazer and matching white pointy heels. She kept her look strictly minimal by ditching the accessories.
Vijay along with Sara Ali Khan ticked all the right boxes with their stylish demeanour. Vijay opted for a denim-on-denim look. The actor wore an oversized denim shirt with swan embroideries and fringe detailing at the bottom. He teamed it with matching baggy trousers and white sneakers. On the other hand, Sara made a ravishing appearance in an off-shoulder black gown, embellished with an overall sequin and multi-colour flora embroidery.
Pankaj Tripathi looked simply phenomenal in his decent white kurta and pyjama. The actor arrived at the screening along with his wife Mridula Tripathi, who looked elegant in her beige salwar suit with a contrasting mint green dupatta.
Sanjay Kapoor looked dapper in his all-black number as he turned to an oversized black shirt with pagoda shoulders to make a statement. With front button detailing, the shirt was teamed with black chinos trousers.
Shanaya Kapoor also twinned with her father in a black spaghetti top. The slinky top, which was tucked inside high-waist cargo-style baggy jeans. Her oh-so-minimal red carpet look was rounded off with her coral dewy glam.
Tisca Chopra looked stunning in her ivory silk co-ord set. The three-piece set featured an oversized peak collar blazer, which she wore atop a matching bralette. She styled it all with high-waisted palazzo-style trousers. Her gold brooch grabbed all the spotlight and her dramatic eye glam added an extra edge.
Murder Mubarak's screening was a total fashion gala.