It was a night of festivities and stardom, as the who's who of Bollywood gathered under one roof for Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations held at the Ambani residence in Mumbai. Celebrities took the ethnic route to welcome Ganapati Bappa. But it was our Bollywood OGs who left the fashionistas gasping for breath by serving an on-point festive look. Beginning with evergreen and timeless beauty, Rekha was seen in her signature style statement. The veteran actress wore a plum-hued saree with golden borders and thread tassels. She teamed her six yards with a matching blouse. For accessories, Rekha didn't disappoint and went all out. A statement necklace with mang tikka and bangles were to seal the outing. Red lips and add-on lashes added the final touch.
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Bollywood's “Dhak Dhak girl” Madhuri Dixit made our hearts skip a beat. The actress graced the event alongside her husband Dr Shriram Nene. Madhuri looked stunning in a bottled green and golden saree. She paired the drape with a strappy blouse. Traditional jewellery and gajra around her low bun complemented her look. Golden embellished potli bag was the X-factor.
Karisma Kapoor rested her faith with a fiery red lehenga set. Absolutely stunning three-piece set came with overall golden embellishments. Middle Parted low bun turned out to be the signature hairstyle for the actresses on the occasion.
Twinning in a Patiala suit, Aishwarya Rai attended the celebrations with her daughter Aaradhya Bachchan. Aishwarya looked breathtaking in a sky-blue three-piece set that featured golden embellishments. She gave her look a final touch with mojris. Leaving her middle parted silky tresses open, the actress glammed herself with red lips and her signature winged eyeliner.
Raveena Tandon was accompanied by her daughter Rasha Thadani, at the Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations. The actress wore a golden six yards with fringed borders. Her emerald green jewellery set created a stunning contrast. Rasha looked pretty in her white and blush pink lehenga set.
Juhi Chawla led the sparkle at the celebrations of the 10-day festival. The actress wore a multi-colour suit, highlighting the embellishment and gota patti work. Juhi left her curled hair open and teamed her look with two traditional jewellery sets.
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Bollywood's “Dream Girl” looked ethereal in her maroon and mustard print saree. She teamed the six yards with an equally perfect blouse that came with short sleeves. A few bangles and minimal glam side parted loosened hair sealed her look.
Bhagyashree attended the event with her husband Himalaya Dasani. The Maine Pyar Kiya star opted for an off-white saree with a golden print and scarlet red border. A maroon blouse with short sleeves pulled her look together. Keeping it on the minimal end, the actress only carried a pair of statement earrings and a golden potli bag.
Whose look among these actresses did you like the best?
Watch the video below for a full roundup of Bollywood celebrities who attended the Ganesh Chaturthi celebration at Anitlia, the Ambani residence.
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