Bollywood celebrities made a bee-line to Tuesday's Ganesh Chaturthi celebration at the Ambani residence in Antilia. For fashion enthusiasts, it was a night to remember. After all, our favourite celebrities showed up in stunning outfits. Our favourite? The Gen Z brigade. From Janhvi Kapoor to Ananya Panday, Sara Ali Khan, Suhana Khan, and Shanaya Kapoor, they added stardust to the auspicious occasion. Starting with Janhvi Kapoor who draped herself in six yards of silk and looked stunning. The cream-coloured saree was elegantly paired with an embroidered cropped blouse. Janhvi accessorised with dangling earrings and high heels, while her curled hair, blushed cheeks, and glossy lips completed her festive and glamorous look.
The Dream Girl 2 diva chose to make a fiery red entrance. Ananya Panday wore a breathtaking creation by Arpita Mehta. The drape's borders were adorned with intricate golden sequin work. She paired it with a matching blouse with long sleeves and a plunging neckline. Her straight hair was elegantly parted down the middle, and she added traditional jewellery to complete her enchanting festive look.
Also Read: Ganesh Chaturthi 2023: 7 Celebrity-Inspired Outfits From Traditional Anarkalis To Modern Ethnic Wear
Our favourite star kid-turned-fashionista, Khushi Kapoor brought all the glamour to the night with her stunning sequin-studded lehenga. Her flared lehenga skirt exuded royalty, and a touch of modernity was added with the off-shoulder cropped blouse. To accessorise, she adorned a diamond choker with matching studs. With subtle waves in her hair and a dewy makeup base, Khushi looked absolutely ethereal.
Transitioning from one Kapoor to another, Shanaya Kapoor graced the occasion in a mesmerising semi-sheer white saree. Her blouse featured a plunging neckline and a daring cutout at the back which added extra oomph. She accessorised with a heavy necklace and a potli bag. Her neatly tied bun provided the finishing touch to her festival-ready ensemble.
Shah Rukh Khan and his family graced the occasion in splendid traditional attires. The young diva, Suhana Khan rocked an elegant light-coloured kurta set. Her form-fitting kurta was adorned with intricate chikankari work, sleeveless design, a slit at the back, and playful tassels along the hemline. She expertly paired it with matching pants and a sheer dupatta.
All these young B-Town celebs always exhibit their impeccable fashion sense during their off-screen moments. These celebrities made us do a double-take with their chic style.
Watch the video below for a full roundup of Bollywood celebrities who attended the Ganesh Chaturthi celebration at Anitlia, the Ambani residence.
Also Read: Shah Rukh Khan And His Family Took Festive Glam Seriously In Their Coordinated Ethnic Style