It may have been Monday last night but that didn't stand in the way of Manish Malhotra throwing his birthday bash at his Mumbai residence and having all of Bollywood show up in style. Winter is coming and everybody, from Sonali Bendra to Sophie Choudry, showed up in chic casuals that struck a very stylish chord. Of course Janhvi Kapoor and Khushi Kapoor weren't far behind. Friends of the designer who often wear his ethnic creations for celebrity events, the sisters turned up in dresses that embraced winter's key colours.
(Also Read: Janhvi Kapoor In A Champagne Gold Gown Deserves A Moment Of Its Own)
First there was Janhvi, more a fashionista than any other designation she has. The young actress wore a burnt orange toned bodycon dress that fit her curves like it was made for her. With ribbed fabric, the dress was backless, sleeveless and hit the calves at its length while being completed with transparent heels. Janhvi wore her hair in loose curls with a smokey eye and neutral pink lip.
Khushi took cues from her older sister and picked a shade of burgundy for the occasion. The floral printed midi dress featured a plunging tied neckline and slit in the front. With black block heels and designer baguette bag on her arm, Khushi looked divine. She kept her makeup look in similar tones with rosy cheeks, glossy lips and bold brows. Looks like the Kapoor sisters cannot get enough of winter hues already.
(Also Read: "It's Electrifying!" And That's Janhvi Kapoor In A Neon Sequin Amit Aggarwal Lehenga We're Talking About)