The budding star of Bollywood Shanaya Kapoor is already making waves with her impeccable fashion sense even before her official debut in Bedhadak. She has effortlessly transitioned from Western chic to traditional elegance and earned a well-deserving fashionista status. On Tuesday, Shanaya attended a Ganpati night celebration at the Ambani residence, Antilia. Her choice of attire? A stunning white saree designed by Manish Malhotra. The sheer saree was adorned with delicate sequin work along the borders that added a touch of subtle glamour. What truly added a modern flair was her unique blouse – a backless wonder with a cropped length, a wave-inspired neckline, and sparkling sequin embellishments. A pearl and crystal necklace was her sole accessory, while her glam was complete with mauve lips, a delicate bindi, and subtly contoured cheeks. She completed her ethnic avatar with a neat bun hairstyle.
Also Read: Shanaya Kapoor's Sunday Amidst Nature Was Spent In A Pink Bralette With Linen Pants And A White Hat
Shanaya Kapoor graced the Ganpati puja at fashion designer Manish Malhotra's residence in a delightful pastel kurta set. Her ensemble included a sleeveless kurta, matching pants, and a charming dupatta. Yellow hand embroidery along the kurta and the dupatta borders added a pop of colour to her ethnic attire. Complementing her look, she chose dangler earrings and let her hair cascade down in a stylish side part.
About a week ago, Shanaya Kapoor made quite the fashion statement in a stunning pink lehenga. This Floating Lotus lehenga, crafted from raw silk, was adorned with intricate hand-embroidered miniature lotuses all over the skirt. Shanaya paired it with a stylish cropped choli and elegantly carried a lightweight dupatta featuring floral embroidery on the scalloped borders. Her soft curls added a touch of sophistication to her ethnic OOTD.
Also Read: There's No Season Or Reason For Shanaya Kapoor's Perfect Lehenga Moment
Shanaya Kapoor looks absolutely mesmerising in a saree. Earlier, she wore an icy blue creation designed by Manish Malhotra. The saree dazzled with stunning sequin work throughout. What added a contemporary touch to this traditional ensemble was the chic halterneck blouse.
We love how Shanaya Kapoor steals the spotlight with her gorgeous appearances. On the work front, her debut film Bedhadak will be gracing the screens in December 2023.
CommentsAlso Read: It Was A Gloomy Day Until Shanaya Kapoor Painted It Red In Her Saree