A look inside Janhvi Kapoor's closet will tell you a lot about her love for ethnic ensembles. From bright colours to vintage pieces, Janhvi has a pick for every occasion. While her off-screen looks are stunning, her on-screen style is a solid winner too. For her song Dheere Dheere from Devara Part 1 is making all the right noises. The music video was released on Monday. Now, Janhvi has shared a BTS clip from the sets of the film. Here, she was seen wearing a white dhoti saree. The actress wore a strapless white blouse with a matching dhoti. She accessorised her outfit with oxidised earrings, bangles, rings, a waist chain and a black bindi. For makeup, she opted for natural makeup with pigmented brows, thick mascara, lightly blushed cheeks and light pink lipstick.
This is not the only look Janhvi Kapoor has showcased in the music video of Dheere Dheere. For one of the song sequences, the actress wore a blue cotton saree and paired it with a brown blouse. It featured a deep neckline and puffed sleeves. While the accessories and makeup remained the same throughout the song, Janhvi added a pendant to this look. We can't miss her single-strap rust-red blouse with a matching dhoti. Her look reminded us of Kareena Kapoor's character in Asoka.
Also Read: You'd Mistake Janhvi Kapoor To Be An Apsara In A White Dhoti And Blouse For Devara's First Look
CommentsJanhvi Kapoor's on-screen style is just raising the bar high