Kareena Kapoor is back on Instagram to give us our dose of weekend glam with her latest post. In a video of herself showing us BTS shots of the mom-to-be at a photoshoot, the Bollywood star is seen walking through the set location. Looking every bit the glowing mama-to-be, Kareena is seen in a flowing black long sleeve gown with a dipped neckline and high slit and form that showcases her baby bump. Her outfit is paired with black heels, sculpted waves in her hair and glossy nude lipstick. Once again, Kareena Kapoor has gone ahead and set the fashion bar for maternity style sky high.
Swirlster Picks Maternity Dresses For Women
(Also Read: Kareena Kapoor Gets Her Glam On In A Gorgeous Black Maxi Dress)
Through the course of her second pregnancy, Kareena has been setting the pregnancy fashion goals mighty high. During the holidays, she posed with husband Saif Ali Khan and son Taimur Ali Khan wearing a black single shouldered dress complete with reindeer ears.
In a photo that possibly broke the internet, she put her baby bump on full display while wearing a dusty pink sports bra and tights for an absolutely stylish sporty maternity look. Her pregnancy glow came through her gorgeous makeup.
She made printed ethnic suits a trend when she wore a white and pink long sleeve suit to set ethnic goals for festive functions.
(Also Read: Kareena Kapoor Enjoys A Perfect Monday At Home In Striped PJs)
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