It looks like Priyanka Chopra is powering through her busiest days in style. Her latest release The White Tiger is making waves and so is she, for her incredible performance as well as for her fashion quotient. In her most recent Instagram photo, Mrs. Chopra Jonas is seen enjoying the sunshine and looking nothing less than a cheery ray herself in a gorgeous yellow long sleeve skirt suit with black piping and matching buttons. A gold toned necklace and earrings added metallic glint to the outfit while tangerine lips and bronze eyes continued the citrus shades without taking away from the look.
Swirlster Picks Skirt Suits For Women
(Also Read: In A Mustard Yellow Dress, Sonam Kapoor Is As Glam As Can Be)
Another shot gave us a close-up of her delightful makeup game with Priyanka showcasing a shimmering metallic eye with fluttering eyelashes and mauve toned nude lips. With it, she wore a pastel toned pleated maxi dress with fitted long sleeves and a ruched torso.
She looked absolutely gorgeous in green when she wore a leafy green trouser set with flouncy sleeves and slim fitted trousers with a messy side-swept updo. Monochrome suits are the kind of trend that she slays in absolutely magnificently.
Even in a black and white outfit that's devoid of colour, she brought her own magnetism with a twisted updo hairstyle, sparkling earrings and dark brown eye makeup. Trust Priyanka to add her signature chic touch to absolutely anything that she wears.
(Also Read: Mandira Bedi Sets Our Screens On Fire In A Yellow Bikini Set)
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