Kareena Kapoor along with Vijay Varma and Jaideep Ahlawat will soon be seen in Jaane Jaan which will be released in September 2023. We have loved Kareena's fashion and impeccable wardrobe choices for the many decades she has been in Bollywood. Her style is incomparable, and her latest post on Instagram is just proving just that. In a gorgeous tube midi dress, Kareena looked effortlessly stylish. The tube outfit had a corset bodice, followed by an A-line bottom and a stylish cut at the side. She even completed her monochrome dressing with a hot red full-sleeved blazer. For makeup, she took the glam route with a bold red lip colour, ample mascara, kohl-laden eyes, well-contoured cheeks, and a lot of charm. Kareena's no-accessory look was accompanied by a pair of nude pointed heels.
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Kareena Kapoor is our favourite all the time, but more so when she exudes boss-lady vibes. The actress picked a monochrome pantsuit in a dark purple colour palette and paired it with a black lace bralette and leopard-printed Christian Louboutin heels. For accessories, she kept it minimal with a pair of golden stud earrings. She kept her makeup soft and subtle with brown ombre eyelids topped with a liner, and a nude lip tint.
Want any more proof of Kareena Kapoor's chic wardrobe choices? She had picked yet another monochrome outfit including a pair of black trousers and a blazer from Tom Ford. She added an edge to her look with a lace bustier top which was trendy and classy, all at once. Open tresses, minimal makeup, a silver bracelet and a vibrant manicure completed her look.
Do you need any more reasons to fall in love with Kareena Kapoor's closet? We don't.