Khushi Kapoor's take on fashion is a class apart. So every time we seek an over-the-top inspiration, we land on her social media timeline. It won't be wrong to say that she knows how to push the fashion bar higher. Last night was no different when Khushi attended the birthday bash of her BFF Aaliyah Kashyap. For the party, The Archies actress glammed herself with the chicest picks. The actress created a stunning colour palette with a pristine white H&M sweater and chocolate brown latex mini skirt. The off-shoulder sweater featured full sleeves and a baggy fit. Khushi tucked it in the Babaton Chisel skirt from the shelves of Canadian fashion house, Aritzia. The actress styled her gorgeous look with Zara's vinyl transparent mules and carried a Louis Vuitton petite boite chapeau bag, which according to their website could cost you Rs 4,60,000. With the dewy base, pink lips and coral-blushed cheeks, Khushi gave herself a glamorous final touch.
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Leave it to Khushi Kapoor to show you 101 ways to style a mini skirt. Khushi wore a black cardigan with a mini skirt featuring printed brown and yellow horizontal stripes over a beige base. Khushi carried her cardigan with full sleeves in a button-down style. Needless to say, the plunging neckline added a bold edge to the look. From the accessory aisle, Khushi picked a sleek chain and tiny hoops as accessories. Khushi's minimal glam included contoured cheeks and coral glossy lips. Leaving her middle-parted hair open, Khushi channelled her inner Betty.
Khushi Kapoor's trip to Paris was no less than a trail of style inspiration for fashionistas. The actress picked an effortlessly chic white pullover, and perfectly paired it with a mini skirt featuring a pleated pattern and chequered print. But what really elevated her outfit were those chocolate brown leather knee-length boots. Completing the look was a simple pair of hoops. Khushi opted for minimal makeup that included a dewy base with coral lips and neutral eyeshadow. Khushi left her bouncy voluminous hair open.
Also Read: Khushi Kapoor's Rs. 3.45 Lakh Dolce & Gabbana Box Bag Gives Her Black Look A Chic Pop Of Colour
When it comes to mini dresses no one does it better than Khushi Kapoor. To attend the Dior Show at the Paris Fashion Week, Khushi opted for a white mini dress. The sleeveless number featured a snug-fitting bodice and a graceful flare below the waist. She amped her look with a black choker, sleek pointed heels, and a mini bag. The chic dress needed chic accessories, so Khushi included an array of statement earrings and earcuffs.
Khushi Kapoor's party wardrobe is simply fashion gold.
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