It looks like the monsoons have also brought with them awards season to the city of Mumbai. For the maiden function of the Pinkvilla Style Icons 2022, celebrities were out in full fashionable force and that included the gorgeous Kiara Advani. The Bollywood actress made sequins the name of the game when she arrived for the function. Kiara looked statuesque in a sequinned column gown covered in sparkling lilac. The highlight of the outfit was waist up, however. The ensemble featured a plunging neckline and halter detail as well for a risque touch. The silhouette of the gown was fitted at all the right places with it hugging the hips. Keeping all eyes on the glimmering outfit, Kiara skipped accessories completely and we think it was the right move doing so.
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Another smart move the actress made with the outfit was choosing a muted makeup look. Just as she kept her accessories to a minimal, Kiara opted for a neutral toned makeup look with just the right amount of definition to pop. She wore brown toned smokey eye with defined brows which framed her face. With it, she pulled her hair back in a tousled low ponytail that hung around her nape. It truly was the perfect paring; glamourous enough to turn heads but not too much to draw attention from her outfit. And we aren't even surprised; especially when it's from a fashionista like Kiara.
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