Kriti Sanon will next be seen along with Kartik Aaryan in Shehzada which is scheduled to be released on 10th February 2023. The actress had made quite stellar style statements in the past while promoting her movies and is now doing it all over again for this one too. Kriti wore an electric blue midi dress from the clothing brand Lama Jouni. The uber-chic dress featured cutout details at the neckline and midriff area. The stunning outfit even had a dramatic thigh-high side slit which added a stylish element to Kriti's monochromatic ensemble. For accessories, the actress kept it minimal by picking a pair of gold hoops and opted for a pair of transparent heels to go with the look. Tying her tresses in a stylish updo, Kriti's glammed-up makeup included soft kohl-laden eyes, well-contoured rosy cheeks, and pink lip tint.
Also Read: Kriti Sanon's Embellished Fuchsia Mini Dress Is Fun And Fierce, All At The Same Time
Kriti Sanon has been making bold wardrobe experiments for her movie promotions. She opted for a two-tone ensemble from the designer label Saaksha and Kinni which consisted of a strapless tube bottom with cutout details at the midriff region and a ruffled bottom. The outfit had red and blue stripes all over it. She tied her hair in a half ponytail and wore minimal rosy makeup with shimmery eyelids, subtly-kohled eyes, ample mascara, and pink lip colour. Kriti wore a pair of gold earrings and black tied-up heels as the only accessories.
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Kriti Sanon recently opted for a strapless leather cutout midi dress designed by Ambika Lal which featured dramatic cutout detailing at the bustline and a bodycon fit towards the midriff area. For accessories, she opted for a pair of golden hoop earrings and black pointed heels and kept it minimally chic. The diva kept her makeup glam with soft kohled eyes, shimmery eyelids, and nude lip tint.
Which is your favourite look from Kriti Sanon's movie promotions?
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