Kriti Sanon has been busy promoting her latest movie Bhediya alongside Varun Dhawan in and around the city. The chaos of the movie promotions does not stop the Bollywood diva from making impeccable fashion choices. Kriti has tried everything from elegant drapes to solid pantsuits for the movie's promotions and got us completely bowled over her looks. This time, the actor opted for an embellished mini dress from designer label Zara Umrigar. The series of pictures shared by Kriti's stylist Sukriti Grover showcased the diva in a full-sleeved fuchsia mini dress which featured a plunging neckline and power sleeves. Tying her mane in a sleek ponytail, Kriti opted for minimal glam makeup with subtly-kohled eyes, well-contoured cheeks and a glossy pink lip colour. For accessories she picked a pair of golden hoop earrings and pink strappy heels.
Also Read: Bhediya Promotions: 5 Times Kriti Sanon Made Stylish Monochromatic Magic For Bhediya Promotions
For the screening of Bhediya, Kriti Sanon opted for a stunning co-ord set which consisted of a sleeveless vest, shorts and a full-sleeved blazer to go with it. The button-down vest featured a plunging neckline with an asymmetrical hemline. Kriti's full-sleeved jacket was long to cover her entire outfit. Her mane was tied in a sleek ponytail while she opted for dewy makeup. Her accessories included stud earrings and pointed heels, which completed her look.
Kriti Sanon's pastel Zodiac star dress for Bhediya promotions was yet another chic number we simply loved. The full sleeve mini dress, from the clothing brand Zimmermann featured a closed neckline with a bodycon fit which accentuated Kriti's well-toned body. The delicate embellishments all throughout the outfit added drama to the outfit. Kriti kept her accessories minimal by picking only a pair of big diamond studs and a couple of rings. She tied her locks in a messy bun and opted for glam makeup.
Can you decide one of your favourite looks from Kriti's wardrobe? We surely can't.
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