Rakul Preet Singh's love affair with ethnic silhouettes is a given and her desi style never fails to impress us. Whether she's wearing a lehenga or is looking fine in a saree, the actress never fails to give us a lesson in doing traditional fashion right. The newlywed recently posted a saree-torial look on Instagram that served as the right summer style inspiration for us. Rakul chose a pretty pink saree from the shelves of clothing brand Anavila, priced at Rs 24,500. The cotton drape featured vertical prints in various shades of pink. She draped the six-yard wonder in the classic, traditional manner with pleats on the front and the drape hanging down her shoulder. To complement it, she chose a simple yet elegant off-white sleeveless blouse. Her choice for oxidised silver jewellery was a fitting choice to complete her look.
Also Read: Rakul Preet Singh For A Cover Shot Still Gives Us Springtime Wedding Vibes
Rakul Preet Singh is known for her modern take on traditional fashion. During Lakme Fashion Week, she became a muse for Ritika Mirchandani and dazzled in a black-and-white creation. Her modern lehenga featured a high-rise skirt that flowed all the way down to sweep the floor. The thigh-high slit injected drama, while the cutouts throughout the skirt added pizzazz to her look.
Before that, Rakul Preet Singh gave us fashionable signals in a green sharara set. The set was full of mirror work and featured a chic short kurti with a sleeveless pattern, a plunging V neckline, and a scalloped hemline. The flared sharara pants added to the desi princess vibes. A net dupatta resting on Rakul's shoulder added an extra layer of tradition.
Rakul Preet Singh's desi style diaries are always high on fashion