Congratulations are in order for Manjummel Boys actor Deepak Parambol and actress Aparna Das as they got married in a dreamy ceremony. While congratulatory messages are pouring in from all sectors, the couple's wedding photographs have our special attention. High in love and style, the The duo dished out ethnic goals with their wedding looks. For the big day, the newlyweds trusted the Damini fashion label. Aparna draped a Kerala sareein the pristine white shade, lined with golden borders along the pallu and hem. For the contrast, she picked a heavy embroidered satin-silk green blouse. Traditional jewellery comprising a necklace, golden studs, bangles, and a maang tika worked like wonders for Aparna's OOTD.
For makeup, Aparna ditched the heavy-duty brush strokes and went for sheer minimal glam. A little blush on her cheeks with a mix of highlighter added a fresh spin to her look. Coupled with glossy red lipstick, kohl-rimmed eyes, winged eyeliner and mascara-coated lashes, Aparna looked breathtaking. A black micro bindi framed her face beautifully. She sealed her elegance with a half-tied open hair cascading down in waves, secured with a white flower garland.
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Deepak Parambol complemented his bride by picking a crisp white collared shirt with rolled-up sleeves, featuring a pocket. The actor teamed it with a white silk veshti. The gold border was perfect to add all the glam to the look.
CommentsDeepak Parambol and Aparna Das are already setting couple goals with their wedding style.