Bollywood had a busy Thursday night with Tira Beauty launching its campaign which featured Kiara Advani, Kareena Kapoor and Suhana Khan, all on one stage. The audience was just as starry with supermodels and influencers in attendance. Amongst them all was fashion designer and entrepreneur Masaba Gupta. Looking absolutely fabulous, Masaba picked the Anthurium dress from Loewe to paint the town red, very literally. The bodycon dress featured a column-style silhouette that fit the body contours and came with a round neckline and cap sleeves. Loewe's Anthurium dress in red retails at approximately $930, which is approximately Rs 76,000 when converted. Along with her striking red dress, Masaba opted for gold heels and matching hoops in her ears. She tied her hair in a bun and completed it with an orange-toned makeup look.
(Also Read: When Malaika Arora Danced Her Heart Out In A Loewe Dress That Cost Almost ₹1 Lakh)
Loewe's floral-themed couture collection has steadily become a favourite amongst Bollywood fashionistas so Masaba Gupta wasn't the first to pick from the Spanish design house. Last month, Malaika Arora was snapped dancing her heart out at a celebrity house party, where she wore the Loewe Anthurium Tank Midi Dress, which cost approximately Rs 99,000.
Elsa Hosk also picked from Loewe when she headed for a beach holiday. With a white swimsuit, she wore a bucket hat from the designer which came with monogrammed straps.
Beyonce, who is currently on her Renaissance World Tour, also picked Loewe as part of her esteemed concert wardrobe. The outfit from the designer was a striking silver ensemble with a metallic bustier detail on top.
The love of Loewe is only getting stronger it seems.
Comments(Also Read: Elsa Hosk's Beach Day Came With A Chic White Swimsuit And ₹35K Loewe Bucket Hat)