Mrunal Thakur has been busy promoting her latest film Sitaraman with Dulquer Salmaan all around the country. We are charmed by her exquisite fashion statements. Taking the ethnic fashion game to another level with each of her desi picks, Mrunal's ethnic closet is what we are currently crushing on. This time the actor wore a gorgeous blue salwar kameez set from the designer label Nikita Mhaisalkar. The indigo coloured outfit had intricate floral embroidery with stone embellishments all throughout along with heavy lace work on the kurta and dupatta. Mrunal's choice of traditional earrings, kolhapuri chappals and the bindi were the perfect match to her outfit. Leaving her silky mane loose, the actor opted for minimal dewy makeup with kohled eyes, rosy cheek tint and pink lip gloss.
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All of Mrunal Thakur's outfits for the movie promotions of Sitaramam have been top notch and stunning. The actor recently was seen adorning a black anarkali set with delicate floral embroidery throughout, from the designer label JJ Valaya. The outfit featured full-sleeves with cape detailing at the wrists and a beautiful flare. The actor added a modern twist to the outfit with a golden waist belt and wore traditional statement earrings with the outfit. Tying her mane in a neat ponytail, Mrunal kept her makeup minimal with a nude lip colour.
Also Read: Signaling The Arrival Of Autumn Is Mrunal Thakur In A Floral Anarkali Set
One of Mrunal Thakur's looks from the movie promotions we cannot get over is when the actor opted for a stunning embellished anarkali from the designer label JADE by Monica and Karishma. The full-sleeved anarkali featured delicate embellishments, intricate beadwork with sheer details at the neckline. Mrunal's choice of dangling statement earrings went perfectly with the outfit. Leaving her mane loose in beachy waves, Mrunal opted for her signature minimal glam makeup and looked simply phenomenal.
Mrunal Thakur has a stunning ethnic wardrobe, hence proved.
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