Vaani Kapoor just can't wait for the summer. The actress recently left us yearning for a beach outing by posting a triangle-wrap bikini top on her Instagram. Featuring a halter neck and plunging neckline, the bralette came in swirly zig-zag shades of yellow, blue, white and orange. Dainty drawstrings were wrapped around her waist in a crisscrossed fashion. Adding an element of risk, Vaani teamed the bikini with unzipped denim jeans with a gleaming metallic finish. The sheer play of colour added to the vibrancy. On a dewy-glam base, she dusted her skin with blush, applied glossy peach lip tint, and enhanced her eye drama with mascara-coated lashes and a hint of shimmery eyeshadow. Saying goodbye to accessories, Vaani Kapoor opted for soft open beach waves cascading down her back.
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There is no questioning Vaani Kapoor's swimwear wardrobe. It often comes with a touch of sass and a sprinkle of hues. For a photoshoot, the actress incorporated the colour-blocked trend in a monokini. She picked out a sleeveless orange bralette featuring ribbed patterns all over and coupled it with neon-green thongs. The two contrasting shades joined together with a circular hoop around the waist served a feisty touch to Vaani's beach-ready avatar. She opted for a dewy-glam makeover. Rosy-contoured cheeks, glossy nude lips, and mascara-coated wispy lashes elevated her allure. Her slick and wet, open curly tresses were left loose.
Taking the hotness level a notch higher, Vaani Kapoor chose to flaunt her love for green in a noodle-strap two-piece ensemble. Her OOTD featured a plunging neckline bralette that came with an underwired hem. A matching two-stringed pair of bottoms, knotted around the waist peeked through her unbuttoned denim blue jeans. Vaani's minimal accessories comprised golden multi-tiered chunky bangles. This time, she went for a tanned base with subtle contouring and blush, matte nude lips, and wispy lashes. She allowed the wind to play with her wet and open hairdo.
Vaani Kapoor's bikini game is our inspiration for any beach holiday.
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