Leave it to Vaani Kapoor to never fail to inspire you with her statement-making styles. Every time the actress steps onto the red carpet, she transforms into a fashion trailblazer. Vaani's love for gowns is an open secret. In her latest photos, Vaani can be seen in a moss green slinky gown from Peter Dundas. From the designer's D24 collection, the glamorous number came in a velvet motif painted in stripes across the bodice, waist, and hem. The backless outfit featured a halter collar that supported the plunging cowl neckline. The ensemble hugged her in all the right places and formed a flowy hem. The actress completed her look with a side-parted messy bun. Every time Vaani dresses to impress, she restores our faith in "less is more". Once again she kept her look strictly minimal by pairing it with gold stud earrings and a few rings. Of course, it is Vaani, so the glam has to be glossy. The subtle shimmery eyes sealed her look stunningly.
(Also Read: All That Vaani Kapoor Needs To Be "Unreasonably Cheeky" Is A White Mini Corset Dress)
Vaani Kapoor is a fashionista at heart. For an award show, she slipped into a striking yellow fit. The monochrome number was a complete winner. It was held in place with a statement golden chain, styled in the form of a halter neckline. The backless outfit featured a figure-hugging silhouette with a back zipper. Once again, Vaani won the style game with her minimal glam. Only this time, she rested her faith in neutral-toned smokey eyes and ditched glossy lips. She left her silky tresses loosened.
For Vaani Kapoor, red carpet moments don't always have to be in monochrome. Vaani and sequin is a deadly combination. To attend an award show, she wore a copper-hued sequin gown by the clothing label Genny. The dazzling number featured a plunging scoop neckline that formed a wraparound style. The dress, with the short sleeves, formed a backless element in a V-structure. A daring thigh-high slit added the oomph element. She elevated her look with an over-the-top golden chain attached to an emerald green pendant. This time she played around with shimmery smokey eyes and nude lips.
We can't stress enough on the fact that Vaani Kapoor can appear glamorous in every outfit that she picks for herself.
Comments(Also Read: Vaani Kapoor's Summer In A Neon Swim Set Jeans Looks Like One To Remember)