It's no secret that Sara Ali Khan has been setting style goals this season. The daughter of Saif Ali Khan and Amrita Singh, Sara will soon be making her Bollywood debut in Abhishek Kapoor's upcoming film Kedarnath, starring opposite Sushant Singh Rajput, followed by Rohit Shetty's Simmba with Ranveer Singh. But even before she proves her acting abilities, Sara has managed to garner quite a fan following for her stylish fashion statements. Her love for Indian ethnic wear, particularly, has been shining through all her many glamorous appearances in B-town. But that's all. In her effortless style, she makes even summer shorts and casual dresses look trendy.
When you head for summer shopping, do you, like us, find yourself being pulled towards indigo styles? Particularly in summer, indigo hued kurtas and dresses get major love for being the perfect pick to beat the heat and stay stylish. But with this season, which has been about colour pop, we almost forgot about the all-time classic indigo. Thanks to Sara Ali Khan, we are back to being in love with it all over again.
We recently spotted Sara in Mumbai, looking fresh as a lily post a yoga session in a chic maxi dress in deep indigo. The floor length dress had a fit and flare cut with cut-out detail at the waist - showing some amount of skin. With sparkly print and a contrast chest panel to rope in colour pop with floral embroidery patterns, Sara looked every bit summer perfect.
(Also read: In Yellow And Orange, Sara Ali Khan Makes 2 Chic Fashion Statements)
Sara teamed her trendy dress with a peppy pair of flats with pink pom pom detail, and an iridescent gym bag.
Come summer and there's definitely no staying away from shades of indigo. Remember the time when Alia Bhatt made a stunning appearance during the promotions of Raazi in an Anita Dongre anarkali suit in indigo?
Got your style inspiration for this weekend? It's time to bring back indigo.