After what seemed like one of the dreamiest weddings Bollywood has ever witnessed, Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra continue to celebrate their weeklong wedding bliss. Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra finally begin the rounds of glimpses from their big fat wedding in Jaisalmer starting with their mehendi function. Under the sunny Jaisalmer sky, nestled in the lap of the luxurious Suryagarh Jaisalmer property, Kiara Advani and Sidharth Malhotra together rivalled the golden landscape in their gorgeous Manish Malhotra attires. Sidharth Malhotra stayed true to his Punjabi roots in a mustard kurta pyjama and threw in a floral shawl for colour and contrast. Kiara Advani was a bright and sunny bride-to-be in a breathtaking white lehenga complete with a dupatta dyed in Rajasthan's golden hour. Kiara Advani's jewellery has been the talk of the wedding spree and she continues her streak in an ornately designed jewellery set layered with two necklaces and a matching pair of earrings. Kiara Advani's minimal makeup can be felt far and wide with an added touch of her bridal glow doing the trick. Kiara Advani chose a messy fishtail braid to dance away on what looked like an incredibly fun mehendi function where "pyaar ka rang chada hai" indeed!
Also Read: Kiara Advani And Sidharth Malhotra Bring Old World Glam For Their Wedding Reception
Against the backdrop of love, Kiara Advani's blush pink bridal lehenga bejewelled with Swarovski crystals from Manish Malhotra and Sidharth Malhotra's beige sherwani made for the perfect wedding outfits.
Love swept these lovebirds in its blanket just to convince us that even in gorgeous sunny Jaisalmer, love is the only jewel that sparkles brightest.
Also Read: Kiara Advani Is A Picture Of Bridal Perfection Draped In A Manish Malhotra Lehenga