Rashmika Mandanna's latest movie Goodbye starring alongside Amitabh Bachchan is scheduled to be released on October 2022 and the actor is busy with the promotions. Trying out gorgeous styles, Rashmika stuns her fans with bold wardrobe experiments. Her stylist Lakshmi Lehr recently shared a series of pictures of the actor from one of the promotions and gave us the right kind of street-style fashion inspiration. Rashmika wore a corset crop top in white with abstract prints. The strappy top featured a sweetheart neckline. The actor teamed it with a pair of wide leg red pants which featured side pocket detailing and waist buckles. The actor wore golden hoop earrings and coloured rings with the outfit. Leaving her mane loose in beachy waves, Rashmika's heavily kohled eyes with nude lip colour and rosy cheek tint perfectly complemented her attire.
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Rashmika Mandanna is aceing every kind of style for her Goodbye promotions, from ethnic wear to western pieces, the actor has tried it all. Rashmika dazzled in a blue sharara set. The sharara featured a stunning short printed kurta with three-quarter sleeves and heavy multi-coloured embroidery. The actor wore a sharara set which had the same colour palette and embroidery and carried a dupatta with the ensemble. For accessories, she went for heavy dangler earrings and a huge statement ring. She opted for minimal glam makeup with nude lip tint and subtly-done eyes.
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Yet another time, Rashmika Manadanna amazed her fans during Goodbye promotions when the actor wore a print-on-print outfit. Her printed set includes a bralette top with string details which the actor paired with a matching printed skirt. She carried a long jacket on top with a similar print and showcased a brilliant boho look. Leaving her mane in messy waves, the actor's minimal dewy makeup perfectly settled with her look.
We are in total awe of Rashmika Mandanna's wardrobe choices.
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