Rashmika Mandanna will be seen next in Goodbye with Amitabh Bachchan, will be released on 7th October 2022. The actor has been busy promoting the movie, but not letting her fashion game lower. Raising the glam bar higher with every wardrobe choice she makes; Rashmika surely amazes her fans. This time, the actor took the desi route and added a modern twist to it. She wore an outfit from designer label Diyarajvir which consisted of a strappy knitted crop top with a flowy blue plain skirt. The actor carried a printed cape with the outfit which had floral motifs over it. Leaving her mane loose in beachy waves, the actor wore glamorous makeup with kohl-laden eyes and brownish lip tint.
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Recently, Rashmika Mandanna welcomed the festive season in a blue sharara set from the clothing label Anushree. The outfit consisted of a short printed kurti with three-fourth sleeves and heavy multi-coloured embroidery work in the front. She matched it with a pair of sharara pants in similar shade and pattern. The actor even carried a flowy dupatta with similar print with the outfit. Rashmika picked heavy dangler earrings and a huge statement ring with the outfit. Her minimal makeup looks with the tinted lips and a ponytail looked perfect with the outfit.
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Right from the day Rashmika Mandanna began promoting Goodbye, her choice has been impeccable. The actor was seen wearing and embroidered ensemble as shared by her stylist Lakshmi Lehr on Instagram. Print-on-print is a trend that was aced flawlessly by the diva. The outfit was from clothing brand Drishti & Zahabia which included a printed bralette top paired with a matching printed skirt. She carried a long jacket with the outfit which gave her exact boho chic vibes. The actor left her mane loose in beachy waves and opted for soft dewy makeup with glossy lips.
We are totally in awe of Rashmika's wardrobe.
Also Read: Standing Out For Her Contemporary Style Is Rashmika Mandanna In Brocade Pants
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